Friday, July 4, 2008



The laboratory dental lab technicians expertise and insights are held in high honor and I want to hear from you on this blog.

Your expert insights and years of practical experience at the bench is a world often overlooked by the dental clinician. It is a world that is met with amazing challenges, skill and artistry to meet the demands and requirements of both patient and doctor. Clinicians are often unaware as to what is required to make the process smoother. Yes, we talk about impressions and bite records, but far too often it is far from desireable. What is the dental technician to do?

Good bite records, good photos are key...or the lab tech guesses...?
As dentists and one part of the complete dental team we need to know your valued input how we can help make your job easier and more fulfilling? We all know that through open communication and positive interactions we all will benefit on multiple levels to raise the bar and give the patient's what they deserve - Valued Quality Dentistry.

Plaster/stone room technicians we need your input?
Model technicians we need your perspectives?
Waxers we need your view points?
Ceramist we need your input and hear the realities of the end game?
Quality control department technicians, we need to hear the realities??
Post interesting photos of work in progress, things you see, the good and the bad....
All laboratories (large or small) and all technicians are invited to participate and give their insightful feedback on this blog to help the NM dental clinician understand what is required to meet the goals and objectives of high quality restorative dentistry for both phase I (orthotic stabilization) and phase II (restorative finishing) treatment.

Understanding what it takes to support the laboratory dental lab technician's needs to make effective mounting decisions to properly manage the doctors impressions, casts, registrations and mountings at the bench is key to the success of ALL neuromuscular dental technicians and clinicians.

I value the Laboratory Dental Technician and appreciate the time, effort, planning and details that go into each of my cases. There are numerous steps that need to take place as well as a number of talented hands and skills that must all come together to make it happen in the mouth!

Your Advocate,

Clayton Chan, DDS

© 2008 Occlusion Connections  All Rights Reserved

To discover the latest and most up to date information on GNEUROMUSCULAR Dentistry and the latest in Dental Continuing Education CLICK:

Neuromuscular Dentistry


Anonymous said...

We at Occlusion Connections value all laboratory technicians. We encourage all laboratories who appreciate the NM concepts post their Laboratory names so doctors can recognize who you are and what you have to offer as your services to dentists.

It is unfortunate that some labs are are held hostage to the politics of major institutes who feel threated by our existence by pressuring laboratories to have their names removed from this sight. If they don't comply they are then removed from those institutional internet forums and associations to weaken their business position within this tight knit arena of restorative/NM community of dentists and laboratories.

Our desire is to only speak and teach the truths about dental occlusion and physiologic health and prefer to proceed forward in a spirit of abundance than take the path of scarcity as some institutional organizations choose.

Because of their association with Dr. Clayton Chan such laboratories feel pressured and compelled to resign their names from this sight to hopefully regain their standing of favor in the sight of these fear inducing and controlling entities.

The need to pressure the laboratory technicians to have their names removed in order to maintain their relationship and business association with these institutions is beyond what normal and reasonable dentist can fathom, but the reality is that it does go on and exist within our profession which is shameful and perpetuates a spirit of mistrust, dishonesty, uncertainty, doubt and fear. This is not the spirit of true Neuromuscular Professionals and certainly is not functioning according to the universal laws of golden proportions.

Anonymous said...

This is the most informative neuromuscular technicians sight I have seen. Keep it up! I will tell me friends.

Unknown said...

Excellent post, often times we forget the values of our staff and just how critical they are to our business. I'm glad you posted something that outlines the need to have valuable dental technicians at your practice! Well said!

Remedy Dental Studio

Captek said...

Thanks for your nice posting keep it up, Using the latest Technologies in Dental Laboratory doing work hard.
thanks for sharing!!!

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